It is interesting that China has been under suspicion for nearly most of the cyber attacks involving the U.S. However, in most cases one cannot say for sure that the attacks did originate from China, because it is easy to hide the origin of the hack. However, the economic relationship between China and the U.S. puts an additional strain on any suggestions. Some U.S. advisers have claimed that China has been stealing information from U.S. companies to be used by Chinese businesses. The competition and tense trade between the two countries make the situations of cyber attacks all the more controversial. One may consider taking these attacks as an indication of a new arms race. The U.S. has definitely made plans to amp up its own cyber security. Since President Bush launched the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), the government has been looking into heavily recruiting cyber experts and hackers to help protect systems. Additionally, the Pentagon has decided to officially label cyber attacks as “acts of war” that should be responded with real-world force (Oswald). This brings about the issue whether retaliation should occur only if attacks result in physical damage, or even if they merely compromise information and wealth. Currently, cyber assaults on governments have been small scale and only a couple have even included full control of systems accessed cyber space. Nevertheless, every country is on the watch for more threatening attacks. The U.S. has been especially worried about virtual attacks since 9.11. fearing that terrorist groups may take their aggression out in cyber space. Since the U.S. has numerous computer controlled machines and an advanced systematized infrastructure, it could be more vulnerable to cyber attacks than many other countries. It is, however, also advanced in being able to launch its own cyber attacks. Will the U.S. be willing to launch its own serious of assaults? We have seen one example with Stuxnet but will there be more and could this result in other countries declaring war on us?
“Educating Elite Hackers.” March 9, 2010. The Daily Beast.